Neck Pain

Neck Pain Treatment at Molstad Chiropractic

Molstad Chiropractic in Sioux City, IA is operated by 2nd generation chiropractor, Dr. Thomas Molstad. Are you suffering from headaches? Stiffness and pain in your neck and shoulders? Dr. Molstad has some solutions — not just for today — but for a lifetime.

Benefit from proven techniques and enjoy pain-free days. Stop by our office in Sioux City, IA and take the first step.

Reasons for Neck Pain

Neck pain can wreak havoc in your life. Many of these problems have been relieved through treatment at Molstad Chiropractic in Sioux City, IA.

Most common reasons for neck pain:

  • Aging of joints — The cervical spine supports and moves your head. The downside to this amazing flexibility is that over time the neck is at risk of pain and injury.
  • Muscle Strain — Creates pain and limited motion and can happen just by a turn of the neck.
  • Posture — Poor posture is a common reason for neck pain and can be corrected through treatment.
  • Nerve Compression — Symptoms of an irritated nerve could be tingling, weakness, and dizziness.
  • Injury/Trauma — Accidents involving the head and neck can injure the surrounding & supporting tissues of the neck. The forced movement of the head or neck can create tightening and contracting -resulting in pain and stiffness.

Chiropractic Solutions for Neck Pain

Molstad Chiropractic in Sioux City, IA is a practice without drugs or surgery. After a thorough exam and a complete history of your neck pain, we will develop a personalized program of care which may include one or more of these proven methods.

  • Cervical Manipulation — According to the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, researchers found “high-quality evidence” that patients with chronic neck pain showed significant pain level improvements.
  • Corrective Exercises — According to your program of care there may be corrective exercises that will enhance your progress of healing from your neck pain. And by doing these in the privacy of your own home you will be able to maintain the health of your neck for a lifetime.

Are you a pain in the neck?… because… of your pain in the neck.